
Thursday, 31 December 2009

So last night I watched Avatar, after being a persistant annoyance to my boyfriend for about a week. (Boyfriend even bought me a steak dinner before the movie!)

Best. Shit. Ever.

Pity it wasn't in 3D, though. (I even smuggled LJS fries in! <3)

I was checking the showtimes and the seatings at around 10 in the morning and ALL the 3D movies at around 6 plus were full. The only seats left were like, the first 3 rows? It would be crazy to bust so much money to suffer from a neckache after so I decided on the normal one.

But it was still EPIC. The best movie of 2009 for me.

Though the storyline was juuuuuuuust a little draggy, the awesome effects made up for it. I was totally gripped throughout the battle scenes.

Of course, there were some bits there were a liiiitle too weird for me...



Only thing that spoilt the movie experience for me (and probably for the people sitting around me as well) was that I had an asthma attack around halfway through it =/

But all in all, great movie! Will definitely want to catch it in 3D, just to see the effects!

And this is the last post of 2009. It's been a rather eventful year, I guess. I'm hoping 2010 will be better!

As for new year resolutions, I won't be making any because I won't keep them anyway.

But if anything, I'll *try* my best to stop buying makeup. I have too much, and I don't use all of them.

Herein ends my last post of 2009. I'll blog again when the new year rolls around. And before I leave, I shall say: