
Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Of Wrath and Vanity

I'm kinda bummed that after spending $69.90 on Wrath of the Lich King, I didn't receive the Razer/Asiasloth Goliathas mouse pad to WoW on. (Maybe I can get it for Cataclysm? Haha.)

Now I won't get to run my DeathAdder all over Arthas' face. Which, strangely, is something I've been dying to do (oh well, I can always use the boyfriend's at his place).

By the way, the original Goliathas mousepad costs over $20 bucks, but because the WoW one has Asiasloth's logo on it, the value has depreciated and costs only around $6 bucks.


But that aside, what I did get was the cool punch of WoW postcards and racial badges - of the Horde side! (Boyfriend was saying it wasn't fair that he got the Alliance badges when he bought my DeathAdder and some other thingy.)

So now I have a backup of the awesome Horde emblem sticker (I ninja-ed his that came with the badges; it was strangely the Horde sticker when his were Alliance badges). And I just might go all-out gamer and pin the Blood Elf badge on my bag. We'll see, we'll see. Maybe I'll keep it in its nice flimsy plastic thingy - just so it won't rust.

Oh, and my contact lens has finally arrived! After almost two weeks of walking around with glasses (bleh) and going really really close to my mirror just so I can put on my eyeliner, I FINALLY HAVE 'PERFECT' VISION AGAIN! I was estatic when my mum told me my lens had arrived (but not so much about the $175 that I have to shell out for it. I'm really hoping that mum will forget about it by the time my internship pay arrives.)

The downside, however, is that my office is airconditioned and that doesn't sit too well with my lenses - my eyes are actually stinging right now, because they're dry. Must remind myself to put in eyedrops, although I'm a little apprehensive because the said eyedrops was actually the cause of me losing the lens.

The little fucker dropped out of my eye and I couldn't feel it cuz my eyes were too watery and blurry and I really couldn't tell the difference.

I'm just glad that I can do my makeup normally again. And from the last two weeks of precariously applying eyeliner, I think I can do it pretty quickly now that I can see normally. I've sorely missed putting on full makeup, sans mascara (I'm paranoid la, ok? I poked my eye with the mascara wand before - with my contact lens in.)

Herein ends my post - I shall find some other things to do just so I can escape doing work, even for a little while.

Thank you for reading, whoever you are.